Check these features before buying a whole body vibration machine

If you’ve tried whole body vibration before and are interested in purchasing a machine for home use, give yourself the time to learn more about this form of training and its benefits before you buy a WBV platform.
There are dozens of models on the market and all companies promote their machines as the best choice, but a quick comparison of the characteristics and features of these whole body vibration platforms shows that the Hypervibe machines offer the best quality for money.

Watch the Buyers Guide video to see the results from the extended analysis performed by independent testers on 41 different vibration platforms. The Hypervibe machine is the only one in its price range capable of providing enough stimulation for achieving maximum results with minimum time investment.
The key with vibration training is the intensity of workouts, and Hypervibe machines can provide more than 10G’s of G-force or acceleration, this force being the one that activates muscle reflexes and makes your muscles contract and relax as if you were lifting weights or doing other strength training exercises.
The fast contractions contribute to the strengthening of muscles and accelerate the consumption of calories, helping you lose weight and get in shape in the comfort of your home. Whole body vibration is used by professional athletes, in rehabilitation clinics and gyms, being a revolutionary training method with numerous health and fitness benefits.

Most machines that cost under $1000 are only suitable as massage tools, as they can’t provide enough G-force for working your muscles thoroughly. Also, WBV platforms that cost more than $1000 but can’t offer at least 20Hz of frequency and work with amplitudes under 5mm are not the most advanced or powerful, and don’t offer the best value for money.

The Hypervibe whole body vibration machines have all it takes to help you maximize your workouts and get in your best shape ever, while exercising safely and comfortably. The smaller home models go up to 10-14G’s, while the bigger machines with towers can provide 17-18G’s of G-force, 35Hz frequency and 7 mm amplitude.

Before you purchase a machine, check its technical specifications and if it doesn’t meet these requirements – 10G’s of G-force, 20-45Hz, 5 mm amplitude, consider buying a different whole body vibration platform.

Check these features before buying a whole body vibration machine

 If you’ve tried whole body vibration before and are interested in purchasing a machine for home use, give yourself the time to learn more about this form of training and its benefits before you buy a WBV platform.
There are dozens of models on the market and all companies promote their machines as the best choice, but a quick comparison of the characteristics and features of these whole body vibration platforms shows that the Hypervibe machines offer the best quality for money.

Watch the Buyers Guide video to see the results from the extended analysis performed by independent testers on 41 different vibration platforms. The Hypervibe machine is the only one in its price range capable of providing enough stimulation for achieving maximum results with minimum time investment.
The key with vibration training is the intensity of workouts, and Hypervibe machines can provide more than 10G’s of G-force or acceleration, this force being the one that activates muscle reflexes and makes your muscles contract and relax as if you were lifting weights or doing other strength training exercises.
The fast contractions contribute to the strengthening of muscles and accelerate the consumption of calories, helping you lose weight and get in shape in the comfort of your home. Whole body vibration is used by professional athletes, in rehabilitation clinics and gyms, being a revolutionary training method with numerous health and fitness benefits.

Most machines that cost under $1000 are only suitable as massage tools, as they can’t provide enough G-force for working your muscles thoroughly. Also, WBV platforms that cost more than $1000 but can’t offer at least 20Hz of frequency and work with amplitudes under 5mm are not the most advanced or powerful, and don’t offer the best value for money.
The Hypervibe whole body vibration machines have all it takes to help you maximize your workouts and get in your best shape ever, while exercising safely and comfortably. The smaller home models go up to 10-14G’s, while the bigger machines with towers can provide 17-18G’s of G-force, 35Hz frequency and 7 mm amplitude.

Before you purchase a machine, check its technical specifications and if it doesn’t meet these requirements – 10G’s of G-force, 20-45Hz, 5 mm amplitude, consider buying a different whole body vibration platform.

Check these features before buying a whole body vibration machine

If you’ve tried whole body vibration before and are interested in purchasing a machine for home use, give yourself the time to learn more about this form of training and its benefits before you buy a WBV platform. 

 There are dozens of models on the market and all companies promote their machines as the best choice, but a quick comparison of the characteristics and features of these whole body vibration platforms shows that the Hypervibe machines offer the best quality for money.

Watch the Buyers Guide video to see the results from the extended analysis performed by independent testers on 41 different vibration platforms. The Hypervibe machine is the only one in its price range capable of providing enough stimulation for achieving maximum results with minimum time investment.

The key with vibration training is the intensity of workouts, and Hypervibe machines can provide more than 10G’s of G-force or acceleration, this force being the one that activates muscle reflexes and makes your muscles contract and relax as if you were lifting weights or doing other strength training exercises.

The fast contractions contribute to the strengthening of muscles and accelerate the consumption of calories, helping you lose weight and get in shape in the comfort of your home. Whole body vibration is used by professional athletes, in rehabilitation clinics and gyms, being a revolutionary training method with numerous health and fitness benefits.

Most machines that cost under $1000 are only suitable as massage tools, as they can’t provide enough G-force for working your muscles thoroughly. Also, WBV platforms that cost more than $1000 but can’t offer at least 20Hz of frequency and work with amplitudes under 5mm are not the most advanced or powerful, and don’t offer the best value for money.

The Hypervibe whole body vibration machines have all it takes to help you maximize your workouts and get in your best shape ever, while exercising safely and comfortably. The smaller home models go up to 10-14G’s, while the bigger machines with towers can provide 17-18G’s of G-force, 35Hz frequency and 7 mm amplitude.

Before you purchase a machine, check its technical specifications and if it doesn’t meet these requirements – 10G’s of G-force, 20-45Hz, 5 mm amplitude, consider buying a different whole body vibration platform. 

Vibration machine weight loss before and after

There’s a lot of debate on whether vibration machines for weight loss are only a scam, or these fitness tools can actually help one drop the extra pounds and build a slimmer body. 

It may be difficult to understand how the whole body vibration weight loss effect occurs if you don’t understand how these platforms work, so in this article we’ll explain how vibrating platforms support fat loss and we’ll give your our recommendation for the best WBV plate on the market.

First, vibration machines for weight loss work because they stimulate the muscles, force them to contract and relax just like they do during strength exercises, and this increases the energy consumption both during and after the workout. By helping you build stronger muscles and by maximizing the use of energy (which can come from the stored fats, once the blood glucose is consumed), whole body vibration plates can speed up the fat loss process.

A Dutch study for example showed that 6-12 months of WBV training done daily, for 11-15 minutes, coupled with a hypocaloric diet, can lead to a reduction of 5-10% of the total body weight, and other studies have shown that most of the lost weight comes from the visceral fat. This means that you can lose fat and get healthier with only 15 minutes of exercise per day!

Another mechanism that supports the whole body vibration weight loss process is the ability of these machines to regulate the levels of cortisol and blood sugar, helping the body use its stored energy more efficiently, and preventing the accumulation of unnecessary fat cells. Cortisol favors the storage of fats around the waist, and high blood sugar levels favor weight gain as well.

Researchers from Egypt showed that vibrating plates can improve the waist-to-hip ratio and the body composition of people who exercise regularly and perform a variety of complex movements, such as squats, push-ups, side lunges, knee raises and so on. A a good vibration machine with a user-friendly design allows you to perform lots of the exercises that you can do with free weights, so make sure you invest in a high quality platform for home use.

How to find one? If you browse through online reviews, you’ll see some machines are more appreciated, such as the Confidence Fitness Slim Full Body Vibration Platform Fitness Machine, or the Hypervibe G17 PRO gravity resistance training machine. How to choose the best one for you?

Check the frequency range – should be 20-45Hz - and the G-force – should be at least 10Gs. Then, take a look at the amplitude interval (the higher, the better), and see if the machine comes with exercise programs for various fitness and health goals. If it meets all these criteria, then you’re most probably investing in a good WBV machine for home use. 

How WBV Improves Fitness in the Elderly

The use of whole body vibration training in the elderly is not new. This form of physical activity has a long history of use in clinical research, and several studies have shown that vibration therapy can be successfully integrated in the daily life of the elderly, with great outcomes.

We’ll take a look at some of the benefits vibration exercises provide to this population, then we’ll discuss the contraindications of WBV to help you get a better idea of how elders should or shouldn’t use vibrating plates.
The first way whole body vibration training benefits seniors is by strengthening their muscles and improving posture, both these effects resulting in a decreased risk of falls and injuries. The vibration waves sent by the machine activate the reflex centers in muscle fibers, causing them to contract several times per second.

These involuntary contractions are similar to those occurring during regular strength exercises, so we can say that working out on a vibration machine can produce similar effects to regular exercises, but the risk of injury is decreased.

The movement of the platform, correlated with the vibration stimuli, force the body to work harder in maintaining stability, and the result is improved balance and coordination, so this is another great benefit for the elderly.

Also, whole body vibration training enhances the flexibility of joints by enhancing circulation and lubrication. Research has shown that practicing vibration exercises on a regular basis can lead to improved mobility in seniors, and to an increased range of motion in joints.
Even in seniors with arthritis and other conditions that limit the range of motion and cause joint swelling and stiffness, WBV can be beneficial as it contributes to flexibility and reduces inflammation.

Another way exercising on a vibrating platform can improve fitness in the elderly is by training their cardiovascular system. Although WBV workouts are different from conventional cardio exercises, the heart still gets a thorough workout and circulation of blood and lymph is enhanced. One’s stamina and physical resistance can increase as a result of regular WBV sessions.

To sum it up, whole body vibration training can help elders improve their fitness level by strengthening the muscles, improving flexibility and range of motion in joints, supporting circulation, improving balance and coordination, enhancing stamina and physical resistance.

Burns Fat and tones using WBV Machine Butterfly Shape

A whole body vibration machine, butterfly shape, is a small and practical fitness device that can help you burn fat and tone your entire body in only a couple of minutes per day. Designed especially for home use, the device works by sending vibration waves throughout your body and by activating your muscles and causing them to contract very fast. 

These involuntary contractions are similar to those that occur when you lift weights or do body weight exercises, only that they are faster, depending on the platform’s frequency and on the G-force generated by the WBV machine. 

Thanks to its size and appearance, the whole body vibration machine butterfly shape allows you to perform both static and dynamic exercises and to do pretty much the same movements you can do with free weights; however, this time your muscles work against an upward force, which is the machine’s acceleration, and is equal to the gravitational load. 

When you lift weights, your muscles are activated by a force that’s directed downward, while on a vibration plate, the force has an opposite direction. This force is expressed as G-force and can be twice, three times or even ten times the earth’s gravity, depending on how powerful the machine is. 

How the Whole Body Vibration Machine Butterfly Shape can help you lose weight 

Now that you know how vibration plates work, let’s see how they can help you get toned, burn calories and lose weight. First, the whole body vibration machine butterfly shape activates your muscle reflexes and causes involuntary contractions, which means your muscles work even if you simply stand on the machine. 

While doing so, they burn calories at greater speeds than during conventional workouts so you can burn more energy in the same amount of time, but with less effort. Then, vibration plates allow you to perform complex exercises and target several muscle groups at ones, and this contributes to an increased energy expenditure. 

When you do squats with free weights for example, your lower body is activated the most and your core muscles are also stimulate but at a lower degree. On the other hand, when you exercise on a WBV plate, your core works harder to stabilize the body, and your lower body is stimulated more, depending on the platform’s frequency and G-force. 

Thanks to its shape and versatility, a whole body vibration machine butterfly shape allows you to focus on the problem areas of your body, reshaping them. You can get stronger and better defined abs, or reshape your lower body and strengthen your arms and shoulder muscles with only one fitness device, and no extra weights. 

So if you’re looking for a way to tone up, lose weight and improve your fitness level fast and with minimum effort, you should add WBV exercises to your training routine. 

Vibration Machines Do They Work

A whole body vibration machine can be regarded as both fitness and therapy device, as vibration training is used not only for sculpting a slimmer and more toned body, but also for therapy purposes.
A vibrating machine can have multiple medical applications, so in this article we’ll answer the question “Do vibration machines work?” by listing some of the conditions in which a whole body vibration machine can be beneficial.

What a vibrating machine works for 
Asking whether a whole body vibration machine works is like asking if fitness works, or if being active works. It all depends on the way you use that machine and on your purpose: if you expect a vibrating machine to turn you into a body builder, it won’t happen, and if you expect a whole body vibration machine to solve your diabetes complications, it won’t happen.

A WBV platforms isn’t a miracle tool, but studies show this device does have several medical applications, so here’s what vibrating machines work for:

  1.  Spanish researchers from the University of Extremadura showed that vibration exercises done for 12 weeks can reduce pain and increase quality of life in fibromyalgia patients, improving their dynamic balance at the same time. 
  2. Researchers at the Islamic Azad University in Teheran found WBV training to help reduce blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients. Also, German researchers found that 12 weeks of exercising on a vibrating machine can improve glycaemic control and help in preventing diabetes and obesity. 
  3.  Spanish researchers from the University of Seville showed that this form of training can improve blood flow and circulation, and can help in decreasing body weight and waist circumference. 
  4. German scientists showed that a whole body vibrating machine can improve motor score in Parkinson’s sufferers, reducing tremor and rigidity. Spanish scientists showed that vibrating platforms have positive effects on posture and balance of patients with multiple sclerosis.
  5. In healthy subjects, WBV was found to activate trunk muscles and improve muscle strength and bone mineral density, especially in the hip and spine. Also, it’s been found to improve leg power, flexibility and range of motion. 
  6.  Exercising on a whole body vibration machine was shown to improve postural control and mobility in the elderly and to reduce risk of bone fractures, improving production of growth hormone. 
  7.  In healthy students, vibration workouts were shown to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat, as well as improve energy expenditure by accelerating metabolism. 
The list can continue, but these studies should be enough to convince you that whole body vibration does work, and that a vibrating machine can be used for several health and fitness purposes.